Nina's creative projects; past, present and future...
Find out a bit more about the diverse range of projects Nina runs right here. Perhaps you'd like to participate in a project Nina is providing, you've an idea you think she should pursue or see something here you'd like Nina to resurrect/reboot. Why not drop her a line? CONTACT
Your comments are always helpful to improving how much impact Nina's projects have in the creative community, so please share your thoughts!
Nina has run 8-week Songwriting Courses from Folkestone. Two separate courses (1 and 2) have run successfully, both of which delve into the art of Songwriting. The courses combine;
practical and analytical approaches to broaden your skillset
theoretical understanding of different songwriting methods
Each term culminates in a professionally engineered, mixed and mastered recording session, with students laying down the songs they've written during the course.
"I feel I know more about songwriting now and can have a more varied approach to what I do in the future."
Alan, student on Level 1 and 2
Pie Factory Music - Songwriting Workshop Leader
During Summer 2016, Nina began providing Songwriting Workshops for Pie Factory Music, a charity based in Ramsgate. The first three sessions were in a series of challenging songwriting workshops for participants engaging with Ageless Thanet's community projects for over 50's.
Subsequent groups include younger participants, in and out of the educational sector. Sessions are designed to be accessible to people with all levels of experience, including absolute beginners to songwriting. Sessions regularly culminate in recording newly written songs.
Participants learnt new ways to channel their self-expression through songwriting, experimenting with different lyrical methodologies before choosing which to apply to their songs.
To find out more about Pie Factory Music and their mission, please visit their official website. http://www.piefactorymusic.com/
NHS WE Care Choir - Canterbury and Ashford
Over two 12-week courses in 2016, in association with Ann Skingley from the Sidney De Haan Research Centre for Arts and Health in Folkestone, Nina provided singing training sessions for NHS staff at Kent and Canterbury Hospital and William Harvey Hospital in Kent.
The focus of the sessions was on discovering ways singing can improve our wellbeing, in class or in a home practice, whatever our level of confidence or experience.
Nina had the pleasure of being the accompanist for Folkestone's Wild Flower Women's Choir under the leadership of fabulous jazz singer and artistic director Carol Grimes for it's first year, beginning in September 2015.
The Wild Flowers have performed at the WOW Festival, the Big Blue Market and regularly showcase their natural verve and excellent repertoire, carefully selected by the incomparable Grimes. The choir is open to women of all ages and abilities.